Academic Excellence


S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1Dr.K. RENGANATHANEI8451 - Electrical Machines (II/EIE/IV SEM 'C' SEC)
2Mr. RAJA PANDIAN BIC6501 - Control Systems (III/EIE/V SEM 'B')
3Dr.M.NALINIGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'A' SEC)
4Mr.ANBUMANI KEE6006 - Applied Soft Computing (IV/EIE/ VII SEM 'C')
EI6801 - Computer control of Processes (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'C' SEC)
5Ms. DURGADEVI.SEE6006 - Applied Soft Computing (IV/EIE/ VII SEM 'A')
6Ms.S.SUBHAEI8452 - Industrial Instrumentation-I (II/EIE/IV SEM 'A' SEC)
7Dr. SWAGATA SARKAREC8395 - Communication Engineering (II/EIE/IV SEM 'C')
8Ms.K.SRIVIDYAGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'B' SEC)
IT6502 - Digital Signal Processing (III/CSE/VI SEM 'D' SEC)
9Ms.R.GAYATHIRIEI8452 - Industrial Instrumentation-I (II/EIE/IV SEM 'C' SEC)
10Ms.T.TAMILSELVIEC6651 - Communication Engineering (III/EIE/VI SEM 'B' SEC)
11Mr.R.PREMKUMAREI6801 - Computer control of Processes (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'A' SEC)
12Ms.S.PREMALATHAGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'C' SEC)
13Mr.SUBRAMANIAN MEI6704 - Biomedical Instrumentation (IV/EIE/ VII SEM 'C')
14Ms.B.PUVIYARASIIT6502 - Digital Signal Processing (III/CSE/VI SEM 'C' SEC)
15Mr.V.PADMANABANEI6002 - Power Plant Instrumentation (III/EIE/VI SEM 'B' SEC)
16Ms.N. NITHYA RANIEI6002 - Power Plant Instrumentation (III/EIE/VI SEM 'A' SEC)

Other Department Faculties

S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1Dr.B.VENKATESWARA PRASAD, MBA DeptMG6851 - Principles of Management (IV/EIE/VIII SEM 'A')
S. No.Name of the StaffSubject Code and Subject Name
1Dr.K.Renganathan, Prof & HODEE6503-Power Electronics (III /V/ EIE /’A’)
2Ms. C. Komathi AP -IEI6401-Transducer Engineering (II /IV/ EIE/ 'A')
3Ms. K.Thirupura Sundari AP-IMG6851 - Principles of Management (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'B')
EI6602 - Process Control (III /VI EIE/ 'A')
4Mr. B. Rajapandian AP-IIIC6501- Control Systems (III /V/ EIE /’B’)
GE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'B')
EE6602 - Embedded Systems (III / VI/EIE/ 'C')
5Ms.M.Nalini, AP-IIEE6502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (III /V/ EIE /’B’)
MG6851 - Principles of Management (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'B')
EI6601 - Modern Electronic Instrumentation (III /VI/ EIE/ 'C')
6Dr. G. Petchinathan AP-IIGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV /VIII/ EIE/ 'B')
EI6602 - Process Control (III / VI/EIE/ 'C')
7Mr.K.Anbumani, AP-IIEI6702- Logic and Distributed Control System (IV / VII/EIE /’C’)
EI6402 - Electrical Machines (II /IV/ EIE/ 'B')
8Ms. S. Durga Devi AP-IIEE6602 - Embedded Systems (III / VI/EIE/ 'A')
9Mr.T.Sathies Kumar, AP - IIEE6303- Linear Integrated Circuits & Applications(II/III/ EIE/ ‘C’)
10Ms. S. Subha AP-IIEE6602 - Embedded Systems (III /VI/ EIE/ 'B')
11Ms. R. Gayathiri AP-IIGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'A')
12Ms.Swagata B.Sarkar, AP-IIEC6651 - Communication Engineering (III / V/EIE/ 'A')
13Ms.K.Srividhya,AP-IIEE6502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (III / V/EIE /’C’)
EI6601 - Modern Electronic Instrumentation (III / VI/EIE/ 'A')
14Ms.T.Tamilselvi,AP-IIEE6502-Microprocessors and Microcontrollers (III /V/ EIE /’A’)
EC6601 – VLSI Design (IV/VII/EIE/’C’)
15Mr.K.Madhanamohan, AP-IIIEI6502-Industrial Instrumentation-I(III /V/EIE / 'A')
16Mr.R.Premkumar,AP-IIIIC6501- Control Systems (III / V/ EIE /’A’)
EI6801 - Computer control of Processes (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'C')
EI6402 - Electrical Machines (II / IV/EIE/ 'A')
17Ms.S.Premalatha,AP-IIIEI6501- Analytical Instruments (III / VI/EIE /’A’)
GE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'A')
EI6603 - Industrial Instrumentation-II (III /V/ EIE/ 'B')
18Ms.B.Puviyarasi,AP-IIIEI6501- Analytical Instruments (III / VI/EIE /’C’)
19Mr. V. Padmanaban AP-IIIEI6002 - Power Plant Instrumentation (III / VI/EIE/ 'B')
20Ms.V.Aarthidevi AP-IIGE6075 - Professional Ethics in Engineering (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'C')
EI6002 - Power Plant Instrumentation (III /VI/ EIE/ 'C')

Other Department Faculties

S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1 GANGA A, CSE DeptCS6401 - Operating Systems (III/EIE/ V sem 'A')
2 MS. B.PRIYA, MCA DeptCS6401 - Operating Systems (III/EIE/V sem 'C')
3MR.R.SURESH MBA DeptMG6851 - Principles of Management (IV/EIE/VIII sem 'A')
S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1Mr.B.Rajapandian, AP-IIIC6501 - Control Systems (III/EIE/ V sem 'A')
EI6702 - Logic and Distributed Control System(IV/EIE/ VII sem 'A')
2Ms.S.Subha, AP-IIEI6703 - Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments (IV/EIE/ VII sem 'A')
IT6502 - Digital Signal Processing (III/CSE/ VI sem 'B')
3Ms. K.Srividya, AP-IIEI6704 - Biomedical Instrumentation (IV/EIE/ VII sem 'B')
4Mr.K. Madhana Mohan, AP-IIIEI6301 - Electrical Measurements (II/EIE/ III sem 'B')
EI6702 - Logic and Distributed Control System(IV/EIE/ VII sem 'C')
EI6002 - Power Plant Instrumentation (EIE/ III/ VI SEM 'A' )
5 Ms.S. Premalatha, AP-IIIEI6703 - Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments (IV/EIE/ VII sem 'C')
6Ms. S.Dhivya, AP-IIIEI6703 - Fibre Optics and Laser Instruments (IV/EIE/ VII sem 'A')
7Mr. M. Subramanian, AP-IIIIT6502 - Digital Signal Processing (III/CSE/ VI sem 'C')
8Ms. B. Puviyarasi , AP-IIIIT6502 - Digital Signal Processing (III/IT/ VI sem 'B')

Other Department Staff to our department

S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1Ms. M. Bharathi, AP - II/S&HGE6351- Environmental Science & Engineering (II /III/ EIE/ C)
2Dr.V.Sasirekha, Professor/MBAMG6851 - Principles of Management (IV /VIII/ EIE/ 'A')
3Dr.B.Venkateswara prasad, Asso.Prof/MBAMG6851 - Principles of Management (IV / VIII/EIE/ 'C')
4Ms.V.Krithikadevi,AP/S&HMA6459-Numerical Methods (II/IV/EIE/'A')

Our Department Staff to other department

S.NoName of the StaffSubject Name & Subject Code with Section
1Ms.Swagata B.Sarkar, AP-IIIT6502- Digital signal Processing (III /V/IT /’C’)