Certification Courses

S.No.Staff NameCourse nameDurationType of certificate
1Ms.C. KomathiAdvanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink8 weeks (July to Sep 2019)Elite+Silver
2Ms.K.Thirupura SundariAdvanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink8 weeks (July to Sep 2019)Elite+Silver
3Dr. M. NaliniBody Language:Key to Professional Success4 Weeks (July to Aug 2019)Successfully completed
Introduction to Internet of Things12 Week (July to Oct 2019)Elite
4Mr. K. AnbumaniPatent Drafting for Beginners4 Weeks (July to Aug 2019)Successfully completed
5Ms. S. DurgadeviAdvanced Linear Continuous Control Systems: Applications with MATLAB Programming and Simulink8 weeks (July to Sep 2019)Elite
6Mr. T. Sathies KumarPatent Drafting for Beginners4 Weeks (July to Aug 2019)Successfully completed
7Ms. S. SubhaIntroduction to Internet of Things12 Week (July to Oct 2019)Elite+Silver
8Dr Swagata SarkarTeaching and Learning in General Programs:TALG4 Weeks (July -Aug 2019)Successfully completed
Development Research Methods8 Weeks (July to Sepl 2019)Elite
8Ms. R. GayathiriBody Language:Key to Professional Success4 Weeks (July to Aug 2019)Successfully completed
Introduction to Internet of Things12 Week (July to Oct 2019)Successfully completed
9Ms.S.PremalathaSensors and Actuators12 Week (July to Oct 2019)Successfully completed
Introduction to Internet of Things12 Week (July to Oct 2019)Elite
10Mr. V. PadmanabanPatent Drafting for Beginners4 Weeks (July to Aug 2019)Elite

Even Semester

S.No.Staff NameCourse nameDurationType of certificate
1Ms.C. KomathiAutomatic Control8 weeks (Jan to March 2019)Elite+Gold Medal+Topper 1 %
2Ms.K.Thirupura SundariAutomatic Control8 weeks (Jan to March 2019)Elite+Gold Medal+Topper 5 %
3Dr. M. NaliniCMOS Digital VLSI design8 Weeks (Feb to April 2019)Successfully completed
4Dr. C. PriyaEnhancing softskills and Personality8 Weeks (Feb to April 2019)Elite Silver
5Ms. S. DurgadeviAutomatic Control8 weeks (Jan to March 2019)Elite Silver
6Dr Swagata SarkarTeaching and Learning for Engineers,
Entrepreneurship Essentials,
Road map for Patent Creation
4 Weeks (Feb 2019),
8 Weeks (Feb to April 2019),
8 Weeks (Jan to April 2019)
Successfully completed,
Successfully completed
7Mr.R.PremkumarControl Engineering12 Weeks (Jan to April 19)Successfully completed
8Ms.S.PremalathaBio medical and signal processing12 Weeks (Feb to April 19)Successfully completed
9Mr. V. PadmanabanControl Engineering12 Weeks (Jan to April 19)Successfully completed

ODD Semester

S.No.Staff NameCourse NameDurationType of Certificate
1Ms. C. KomathiDigital Circuits12 Weeks (July-Oct 2018)Elite Gold plus Topper
2Ms.K.ThirupurasundariDigital Circuits12 Weeks (July-Oct 2018)Elite
Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching4 weeks (Aug-Oct 2018)Elite
3Ms.M.NaliniHardware Modelling using Verilog8 weeks (Aug-Oct 2018)Elite
Biomedical Nanotechnology4 weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Successfully Completed
4Mr.K.AnbumaniIntroduction to Research8 Weeks (Aug-Oct 2018)Elite
5Dr. C. PriyaNonlinear and Adaptive Control4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Successfully Completed
6Ms.S.Durga DeviDigital Circuits12 Weeks (July-Oct 2018)Elite
Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching4 weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Successfully Completed
7Mr.T.Sathies KumarBiomedical Nanotechnology4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Successfully Completed
8Ms.S.SubhaBiomedical Nanotechnology4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Elite
9Dr. Swagata SarkarStress Management8 Weeks (Aug-Oct 2018)Successfully Completed
Educational Leadership4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Elite
10Ms.R.GayathiriBiomedical Nanotechnology4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Successfully Completed
12Ms.S.PremalathaBiomedical Nanotechnology4 Weeks (Aug-Sep 2018)Elite
13Mr.V.PadmanabanIntroduction to Research8 Weeks (Aug-Oct 2018)Elite
S.No.Staff NameCourse nameDurationType of Certificate
1Ms. C. KomathiControl Engineering12 Weeks (Jan-April 2018)Elite
Optimal Control8 Weeks Jul-Sep 2017Successfully Completed
2Ms.K.ThirupurasundariControl Engineering12 Weeks (Jan-April 2018)Elite plus Topper
Optimal Control8 Weeks Jul-Sep 2017Successfully Completed
4Ms.M.NaliniFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
5Mr.K.AnbumaniAnalog Circuits8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
6Dr. C. PriyaIntroduction to Soft Computing8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
7Ms.S.Durga DeviControl Engineering12 Weeks (Jan-April 2018)Successfully Completed
Optimal Control8 Weeks Jul-Sep 2017Successfully Completed
8Mr.T.Sathies KumarFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
9Ms.S.SubhaResearch Writing4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
10Ms. Swagata SarkarDesign for Internet of Things8 Weeks Jul-Sep 2017Successfully Completed
Digital Image Processing of Remote Sensing Data4 Weeks Jul-Aug 2017Elite
Emotional Intelligence8 Weeks (Jan-Mar 2017)Elite
Biomedical Signal Processing12 Weeks (Jan-April 2018)Successfully Completed
Patent Drafting for Beginners4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
Research Writing4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
Introduction to Human Computer Interaction8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
11Ms.K.SrividyaFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
12Ms.R.GayathiriFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
13Ms.T.TamilselviAutomatic Control8 WeeksElite
Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
14Mr.R.PremkumarAnalog Circuits8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
15Ms.S.PremalathaFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
16Ms.S.DhivyaFiber Optics8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
17Mr.M.SubramanianIntroduction to research8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
18Ms.B.PuviyarasiModelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed
Automatic Control8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
19Ms. N. NithyaraniIntroduction to research8 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Elite
Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice4 Weeks (Feb-Mar 2018)Successfully Completed